Shipping policy

Your ordered item is shipped via a delivery service based on your region:

Transport and packing fees within Czech Republic including VAT
Way of transport Amount in EUR Delivery
Czech post – "Package to hand" 5.5 EUR next business day
PPL 6.5 EUR next day, Mo-Sa

Transport and packing fees to Slovakia excluding VAT
Way of transport Amount in EUR Delivery
PPL 12 EUR in two days, Mo-Sa
Fedex 21 EUR in two days, Mo-Sa

Transport and packing fees within EU
Way of transport Amount in EUR Delivery
PPL 27 EUR in 2 - 5 days, Mo-Sa
Fedex 32 EUR in 2 - 5 days, Mo-Sa

In other cases the shipping rates are available on request.

European Union countries have free shipping on eligible orders over 200 EUR.

The items are dispatched within 5 working days after receiving your order.

You can track your package using this contact form.