Merebit (limited liability company) has been dealing with the measurement, automation and robotic development and research, designing and producing of specialized laboratory machines and equipment in the field of medical research and biotechnologies (Merebit = MEdicine REsearch BIoTechnology). Thanks to its own biotechnological laboratory, electronic and CNC shop facilities the company can offer services ranging from custom-tailored research, through prototype development to small series production. Merebit personnel are involved in the research and tuition at the Masaryk University and the Brno Institute of Technology.The Merebit Company produces its own range of laboratory devices and has obtained ISO 13485 - quality management system for the design and manufacture of medical devices. You will find more information at
Company headquarters (billing address): Merebit s.r.o. |
Office (mailing address): Merebit s.r.o. |